Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Vintage Valentine Inscriptions

Bing Images - Creative Commons

Crafting inscriptions that capture the essence of vintage Valentine's Day cards involves a blend of charm, wit, and the romantic vernacular of bygone eras. Here are three inscriptions inspired by the style and sentimentality of vintage Valentines:

To My Dearest Heart

"Within this card, so finely made, 

Lies a tender truth, brightly displayed. 

For every beat my heart doth make, 

Is a vow of love I swear to never forsake. 

So, on this day, when lovers entwine, 

I ask thee, dearest, to be forever mine."

To My Beloved Companion

"As the rose in splendid bloom doth not compare, 

To the light and joy you bring, beyond compare. 

Through every season, come what may, 

My love for you grows day by day. 

This Valentine, with lace so fine, 

Is but a token of this love of mine."

To My Sweetest Friend

"From laughter light to deepest care, 

In every moment, 

you are there. 

A friend so true, 

a heart so kind, 

In you, my dearest treasure, I find. 

So, take this card, 

a small token, it's true, 

But know it's filled with gratitude, from me to you."

These inscriptions aim to reflect the eloquence and emotional depth characteristic of vintage Valentine's Day cards, capturing the timeless nature of love and friendship.


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