Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Electric Belt, Medical Device (1894) - The Shadow Archives

The Arizona Republic, Sat, Jan 20, 1894

The Electric Belt, turning every day into a shocking adventure!

the 19th Century used many creative techniques and tools for curing what ails you.  Electricity was relatively new, and it was believed to help or cure many illnesses.  Here are ways it was used:


This was one of the most popular uses of electricity in medicine. It involved applying electric currents to the body to treat a variety of ailments, including pain, muscle weakness, and even paralysis. Physicians believed that electricity could stimulate nerves and muscles, promoting healing and restoring function. Devices like the Faradic and Galvanic batteries were common tools for delivering these treatments.

Electric Belts and Corsets

Devices like the Electric Belt became quite popular during the late 19th century. These belts claimed to channel electric currents through the body to cure everything from indigestion to impotence. Advertised as a miracle cure for a wide range of conditions, these belts were often just simple devices with minimal or no real electric charge, relying more on the placebo effect than any actual therapeutic benefit.

Electromagnetic Therapy

This involved the use of magnets or coils that generated electromagnetic fields, which were believed to have healing properties. Patients would often be treated with magnetic insoles, bracelets, or even entire beds designed to channel electromagnetic energy through the body. These treatments were thought to improve circulation, reduce pain, and treat a variety of ailments.


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