Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Frances Musser (1868 - 1898) - Chicago Nurse Graduate


Mary Thompson Hospital
Library of Congress

**Repost from 2020

Frances E. Musser, the cousin of the south side representative of The Republican, C. M. Zander, came to Phoenix shortly after graduating from the Women's and Children's Hospital of Chicago in 1893.  The hospital was created by Mary Thompson, who was one of the first female physicians in Chicago.  

This hospital would later train female physicians and nurses, since the formal education of women in medicine was extremely limited.  Frances took advantage of this training, and had become known as one of their stellar nurse graduates in Chicago.  

Sadly her health failed her.  Suffering from cirrhosis of the liver, she went to Omaha to improve her health, and continued with her nursing practice.  When her physician recommended that she leave because of the winters, she came to Phoenix.  Despite efforts by a fellow classmate, Julia E Hay, and her cousin, she died from her illness, and is buried in Porter Cemetery.  Sadly, the only relative who could attend her funeral was her cousin due to the distance.  

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